Saturday, December 23, 2006

Daddy you promised!

"Daddy you promised!" she exclaimed. Nitin could not have hated himself more for doing this. Yet it was also for his daughter! He just had to work. And there was nothing he could do now!
"Angel...I promise...tomorrow I would take you to that carnival!"
"And what if you break your promise?" she asked, her small hands on her waist, eyes bright with tears that had gathered. Nitin smiled."I won't break that promise...I swear!"

Nitin looked at his watch and cursed himself. He was already late. At that very instant his phone started ringing.
"Daddy!" the voice was shrill to the ears and Nitin closed his eyes momentarily.
"Honey I remember. I am on my way...I won't break my promise!"

Nitin looked at his daughter playing happily with the other kids. She saw him and ran happily towards her father.
The carnival was beautiful. All the lights and the colors! Neha took all the rides she could, ate ice cream and candies. As she huddled close to her father she knew it was the best evening ever! Nitin held his daughter close to his heart. She had fallen asleep long before they had reached home. Putting her on the bed he stared at the face, the hint of a smile and the peace! Sighing he stood up and walked towards the window. He could see a storm gathering around. Dark clouds hid the moon and hovered on the sky with an omnious intensity. He turned around as the door to Neha's room opened and Sonia walked in. She looked pale. Her eyes were swollen as if she had cried for hours on a stretch. Looking at her daughter asleep on the bed she walked towards the bed. Neha was sleeping, peacefully. The hint of a beautiful dream hung close to her small lips. Sonia sighed and put her head on the wall as a lonely tear fell on her cheek.

Nitin's face contorted with pain as he closed his eyes.
"I am sorry Sonia...I can't keep my promises. You have to now fullfill all the promises I made to Neha..."

Sonia sat immobile as if she had not heard the words. Her eyes turned towards an empty window and she could see the storm that had unleashed itself on the town and in her life.

"Mommy...Daddy is on his way!" she shouted as she passed on the phone to her mother and ran away.
" are already late!" Sonia said and heard the sigh.
"Sonia...I would be..."
There was a loud crash and then an eerie silence. Sonia held the phone closer to her ears as her heart skipped a beat...

Nitin stayed for a second longer as he stared at his wife. He could remember his promises he had made to her...but now it ws not the time to fullfill them. The clouds were parting now...Neha moved in her sleep.

He saw the truck loosing its control as it came hurling towards his car play in front of his eyes, heard the silence that started to gather around him over the constant chatter of the people, could feel blood trickle down his forehead, was vaguely aware of blood oozing out his stomach and over the ever thickening void he heard Neha's voice...Daddy you promised!!!


Banvri said...

a promise ...

nice one and actually a cruel lesson tought by nature ...

Kanika said...

what to was perhaps a lesson by nature but all lost here...

I just hope that people fullfill their promises while they still have time...because the broken promises come back to haunt!

Kanika said...

but the man had no idea...he never made promises to break them...he just couldn't fight nature's dcision!!!

But he kept his last promise...

~ Deeps ~ said...

hmm nice ....well written.....nice choice of words but right from the first line of the story, i knew the end.........

Butterfly said...

A very sad and painful story.After stepping out of the house, one really cannot say whether he/she is going to come back home again and fulfill one's promises.

Kanika said...

@ deepak

Well not all are unpredictable....and yet life is such an anti climax after all

@ butterfly

True can't really be sure of anything....welcome to the blog...