Saturday, December 23, 2006

Daddy you promised!

"Daddy you promised!" she exclaimed. Nitin could not have hated himself more for doing this. Yet it was also for his daughter! He just had to work. And there was nothing he could do now!
"Angel...I promise...tomorrow I would take you to that carnival!"
"And what if you break your promise?" she asked, her small hands on her waist, eyes bright with tears that had gathered. Nitin smiled."I won't break that promise...I swear!"

Nitin looked at his watch and cursed himself. He was already late. At that very instant his phone started ringing.
"Daddy!" the voice was shrill to the ears and Nitin closed his eyes momentarily.
"Honey I remember. I am on my way...I won't break my promise!"

Nitin looked at his daughter playing happily with the other kids. She saw him and ran happily towards her father.
The carnival was beautiful. All the lights and the colors! Neha took all the rides she could, ate ice cream and candies. As she huddled close to her father she knew it was the best evening ever! Nitin held his daughter close to his heart. She had fallen asleep long before they had reached home. Putting her on the bed he stared at the face, the hint of a smile and the peace! Sighing he stood up and walked towards the window. He could see a storm gathering around. Dark clouds hid the moon and hovered on the sky with an omnious intensity. He turned around as the door to Neha's room opened and Sonia walked in. She looked pale. Her eyes were swollen as if she had cried for hours on a stretch. Looking at her daughter asleep on the bed she walked towards the bed. Neha was sleeping, peacefully. The hint of a beautiful dream hung close to her small lips. Sonia sighed and put her head on the wall as a lonely tear fell on her cheek.

Nitin's face contorted with pain as he closed his eyes.
"I am sorry Sonia...I can't keep my promises. You have to now fullfill all the promises I made to Neha..."

Sonia sat immobile as if she had not heard the words. Her eyes turned towards an empty window and she could see the storm that had unleashed itself on the town and in her life.

"Mommy...Daddy is on his way!" she shouted as she passed on the phone to her mother and ran away.
" are already late!" Sonia said and heard the sigh.
"Sonia...I would be..."
There was a loud crash and then an eerie silence. Sonia held the phone closer to her ears as her heart skipped a beat...

Nitin stayed for a second longer as he stared at his wife. He could remember his promises he had made to her...but now it ws not the time to fullfill them. The clouds were parting now...Neha moved in her sleep.

He saw the truck loosing its control as it came hurling towards his car play in front of his eyes, heard the silence that started to gather around him over the constant chatter of the people, could feel blood trickle down his forehead, was vaguely aware of blood oozing out his stomach and over the ever thickening void he heard Neha's voice...Daddy you promised!!!

Wednesday, December 6, 2006


Happiness they say will find you....sooner or later. For Astha, that phrase meant nothing. She was happy, she thought. Sitting in front of the full lenght mirror she was busy trying to find one facet of her life that wanted for happiness. Applying color on her lips she could sense the beautiful face smiling back at her. Astha stood up and stared at her slim form, the exquisite satin gown that seemed to flow like water against her skin, the high heels that accentuated her long legs and not to forget the saphire necklace around her slender neck. A picture Perfect she thought and smiled. Yes...she was happy...she thought.

Her car raced down the traffic laden roads as she rested her back on the cushioned back seat. Her eyes could see the traffic yet the comforts of her car kept them at an ears length. She could simply close her eyes into the silence and wait for time to roll by. For she was in no hurry. Standing at the crossroads of 30 she knew she did not want to look back. There was nothing to look back. Not because they were sad memories that would bring tears of pain nor because they were happy memories that would garner a feeling of nostalgia. She just did not feel like looking back at the days gone by. They were nothing but days. Ordinary days of a perfect life. It did not matter if the days were laden with misery or had been a walk in the clouds. What mattered was that right now she was happy...she thought.

Astha climbed the marble staircase, aware of the eyes that turned to welcome her arrival. People noticed her wherver she went. For she had everything that would make a man desire and a woman envy. Her heels made the subtle noise against the cold white marble that only added grace to her very walk. She smiled as the door man opened the door for her and she walked in. There he was...the man of her dreams. He was everything she had ever imagined to be. HE turned around to gaze at her as she walked towards the table, looking her amazing self and smiling back at him. The seat pulled back for her she sat. The dinner was exquisite and she enjoyed every morsel. Jsut perfect, she thought.

"A little scotch?" he asked and she declined with a smile.
He nodded, placed the order and they walked towards the lobby where they would savour the drinks coupled with perhaps a smoke. She walked besides him, aware of his hand resting on her back, not touching really. She could smell the lush perfume emanating from him and she smiled. She was happy...she thought.

Sipping on the sour golden liquid she stared at the rum chocolates placed besides the ashtraywith compliments from the chef...the man in uniform had uttered. She liked the place. It had that silence she could absorb while looking at the people walking by, all dressed in beautiful dresses.
He was talking then, about so many things, work, friends, sports...everything. And she was listening. She picked a glazed chocalate and enjoyed the indulgence for the moment as he lighted his cigarette. The whiff of smoke made her smile. She was all too aware of chocolate coursing down her throat in its rich taste and aroma. She sipped some more wine, savouring every single drop.
Soon it was all over and they walked outside into the still night. As they waitd for her car she put her hand casually in his' and he turned to look at her, his face a mask of happiness mingled with anxiety. Soon, she thought...this anxiety would go away.

She did not mind when his hand rested on her thigh. She was aware of his closeness and was also aware of the chocolate that sang a sweet melody in her ear. She let her head rest on his shoulder, closing her eyes as she thought she was happy.

The door clicked ever so lightly and she opened her eyes. Within seconds her eyes adjusted to the darkness and she turned her head. The bed was empty but it had not been so alittle while ago. Smiling she sat, her hands reached for the gown which she wrapped against her pale cold skin that had burnt a little while ago. She reached her window and looked out, her long manicured hands extracting a cogarette lying by the table as her eyes scanned the inky night. The door to the car opened and he sat in it, not bothering to turn and look up to the window. Sighing she walked away, not bothering to look at the car being enveloped by the night. Walking to the small table by her bedside she switched on the lamp. The white envelope was there on top of a blue velvet case. She need not extract the contents of the envelope. she knew what it was. But curosity made her open the box. Her eyes admired the green stones embedded in shear gold necklace. Closing it she lay down on the bed, enjoying a lonely cigarette as tear trickled down her face. As her fingers reached to shut the lamp she knew...